Hera Gold Mine

Laddertube installation at Hera Gold Mine in Nymagee NSW, Australia.

The Situation

Hera is an underground mine utilising bench stoping with the stopes backfilled with waste rock fill.

The Hera orebody is accessed from a decline located in the hanging wall. The decline has a gradient of 1:7 and production levels are nominally 25m apart.

The Hera-Nymagee region remains a highly prospective, underexplored corridor in which Aurelia has a dominant landholding. We possess a strong pipeline of exploration targets within 15km of the Hera Mine.

Our current near-mine focus at Hera includes extensional and/or new deposit opportunities at Main South East Deeps and up-dip of North Pod. The primary regional focus is rapid drill-out of the recently discovered and large-scale mineralised system at Federation.

Source: https://www.aureliametals.com/projects/hera/hera-mine

The Solution

Hera is a new site to safescape which Safescape has supplied and installed 67.2m of Safescape laddertube.

The Outcome

Project Summary
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Aurelia Metals
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Australia and New Zealand
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